From birth mother to earth mother: Healing in relationship in BCST
This webinar with Jane Shaw will explore relationship to self from the perspective of the mother archetype.

7 week online SIMPLE Listening™ programme for self care
7 week online programme teaching embodiment practices.
Restore the magic in your life: Manage stress and anxiety, and cultivate easeful joyful living.

Intergenerational Patterns of Experience
Working with intergenerational patterns in BCST. Open to all craniosacral therapists

7 Week Online Simple Listening™ for Self care
This 7-week online programme is for anyone wanting to experience SIMPLE Listening™ practices that are designed to bringing autonomic regulation and biological safety. Biological safety supports regulation and balance, benefiting holistic health.
Meeting on zoom for an hour each week, Jane Shaw will take you through SIMPLE Listening™ practices to give you an experience of how effective these short accessible exercises can be in many different, sometimes complex, situations.

Lakeside nature retreat
Weekend lakeside nature retreat with Grainne Delaney and Jane Shaw, Co. Waterford
Open to everyone

Journey into Stillness Summer Wellness Retreat
Journey into Stillness Summer retreat at Elmfield Estate. Gilford Co. Down. Immerse yourself in an afternoon of connecting to nature.
Open to everyone

Introduction to SIMPLE Listening™: A Polyvagal informed programme
This workshop is an introduction to SIMPLE Listening™, a Polyvagal Theory-informed programme promoting physiological safety and regulation. The programme educates the practitioner to listen to their environment using somatic intuitive awareness practices to gain autonomic nervous system regulation. It offers an accessible step-by-step road map to autonomic regulation thus fostering a conscious relationship to self, other, and the environment. Open to everyone.

Dying into Life: An online retreat to contemplate death, grief & rebirth
An online retreat to contemplate death, grief and rebirth. Open to everyone

Death and rebirth: The ignition of life in BCST
Post grad workshop for craniosacral therapists. From a biodynamic craniosacral perspective this workshop will explore the concept and experience of death both in terms of literal death and the death of a way of being. We will examine working in the end-of-life arena and issues involved in palliative care; address what it means to die to one pattern of living in order to open up to another; question whether it is possible to have a conscious death; and experience how all death processes are a natural rhythm within the cranial paradigm.