What is Simple Listening™?

Derived from the fields of neuroscience, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, and Jungian psychology, SIMPLE Listening™ is a programme that promotes biological safety and autonomic nervous system regulation. The anagram SIMPLE denotes the practices involved: Somatic awareness, Intuitive inquiry, mindful Movement, Play and creative practice, whole body Listening and Effortless action.

The key to SIMPLE Listening™ is that the practices are simple and easy to do. Trying to make big changes in our lives is hard and usually unsustainable. This is a tool bag of little simple practices whose effects add up to make a significant change in your nervous system and therefore support your overall wellbeing.

I offer the SIMPLE Listening™ programme through one to one online coaching, and through delivering programmes to groups both online and in person.

Our session will be

  • Personalised

    We will assess your current wellness needs to create a personalised plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has challenges when it comes to achieving holistic health. I will work closely with you to help identify and overcome those challenges and to make this journey enjoyable.

  • Integrative

    We will work on a plan together to ensure it best fits with your current life. We listen and adjust where necessary so that implementing the practices is as simple as possible.

Reminded me of my wholeness.
I’ve been sleeping well
I connected with my inner strength
I’ve felt awareness of my body’s needs
I felt more connected to my family and friends
I’ve had a lot more energy

BOOK YOUR session

  • Comprehensive assessment of your needs

  • Personalised plan to help you reach your goals

  • Helpful tools, tips, and practices for navigating your unique health challenges

Weekly planner on iPad